
A PHP application to share large files with your contacts/customers

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What is it?

phpShareFiles is a PHP application designed to exchange large files on the web when your users can not use SMTP servers.

Authenticated users can create zones where they can put files or tell their contacts to put ones. Notification messages can be sent.

This is intended to be a professional extension to email systems for companies that need to exchange files with their customers or others in an easy way. Authentication systems can vary from htpasswd files to imap/ldap external systems.

phpShareFiles is available in English, German and French for users (general site configuration).

How does it work?

Zones list is the place where authenticated users (flat htpasswd files, imap, ldap, whatever) can create and delete zones. For each zone they can notify people they want to share files with. Each zone has an unauthenticated part where the registered user and one or more of his correspondants can download and upload file. A hash in the url of the zone keeps it private.

First case: one of your users wants to send a large file to a customer: he will create a zone, clic on the zone and upload his file. He will then come back to the zones list and clic "Notify" for the given zone, enter the email address of his customer. The customer will receive a direct link to the unauthenticated part of the zone and will be able to download the file.

Second case: one of your user wants to receive a large file from a customer: he will create a zone and clic "Notify" for the given zone, enter the email address of his customer. The customer will receive a direct link to the unauthenticated part of the zone and will be able to upload the file. Your user will receive a notification email with the link to the uploaded file.

What is needed?

No database is needed (flat files are used)

Authenticated parts of phpShareFiles can be setup simply with htpasswd. You can also use external authenticated systems: you just have to modify the .htaccess files. In case of htpasswd files, imap, etc (everything else than ldap) users will have to setup their names and email address. In case of ldap authentication, names and email will be taken automatically from the directory.


Cyril Bellot (Dev)

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